The year is 2192. Human’s have been wiped off the face of the earth by a pandemic.

Luckily, the virus was prepared for. As a failsafe, mankind developed the technology to re-animate the most basic forms of DNA and this led to the ability to reproduce humans from DNA alone.

U813 is a utility Robot made to oversee the switching on of the human re-production lines. “U813” is a tale of the rebirth of the human race through the eyes of an unnatural digital parent.

This is the International Repopulation Institute. This is humanities only hope to repopulate Earth from beyond the grave. Most of 'U813's narrative will feature within its walls.
This is a preliminary sketch of one of the repopulation labs within the IPR. Although basic, It gives me an idea of the layout, colour scheme and feel of the laboratories. I wish for them to be heavily mechanised yet feel extremely clinical and technologically advanced. For this reason, having a stationary crane may look too old fashioned when I actually put the lab together.